March 2025 JubileeTV Release
Release dates | 3/10/2025 to 3/12/2025 |
Release type | Major |
Release versions | Console: 6.8.27 App (web): 10.15.10 App (Android): 10.16.10 App (iOS): 10.17.10 |
Release availability | JubileeTV Console customers |
Video Calling now supports Closed Captions for the TV User. App Users can enable Closed Captions for Video Calls in the JubileeTV App. The TV User can also turn on/off Closed Captions by pressing the CC button on their remote during a Video Call.
The JubileeTV App now visualizes a connection strength indicator during a Video Call, which shares the connection strength/reliability of both the JubileeTV Console and the device making the Video Call.
The JubileeTV App user can choose the audio input for the TV User (choosing between the JubileeTV Remote and the Console Mic). When using the Console Mic, the App user can increase the gain the microphone on the Console, which increases the voice of the TV User for the App user.
Learn more about Video Calling here.
An additional Usage Mode is available in which the TV User can use a six button remote to control their TV experience. The six buttons on the remote are: power on/off, mute, volume up, volume down, channel up, channel down.
The six button remote must be purchased from JubileeTV and the Usage Mode must be enabled from the JubileeTV App. Only one source device is supported with this usage mode and the source device must be a cable/satellite set top box.
Learn more about Usage Modes here.
- Enhanced reliability for Telescope sessions
- Enhanced reliability for Drop In sessions
- Improvements to self service Membership & Service Plan management
- Improvements to language when calibrating comfortable audio level
- Improvements to power state monitoring calibration for Smart Plugs and CEC
- Improved presence detection model for Activity Feed
- Reliability improvements for network connections for the JubileeTV Console